Most files that are stored on FTP machines have some sort of extension. These
normally relate to either the compression program used or the type of data
stored in the file. Here are the more common compression programs you will
come across in the Amiga world (there are many others in other worlds):-
- .lzh = lharc,lz, lha,lharca
- .lha = LhA (Sometimes LZ - Also does lzh files)
- .lzx = Lzx (Similar to LhA, but not compatible)
- .zoo = zoo
- .lhw = lhwarp
- .arc = arc (hardly used)
- .arj = arj
- .dms = dms (Diskmasher)
- .wrp = Warp files
- .zip = Zipped, use "zippy" program
- .gz = PC zip like program
- .Z = Compress (found on unix systems)
- .tar = tape archive (found on unix systems, example: tele.tar.Z)
- .zom = zoom!
- .pp = powerpacker (data files only)
- .zap ="Disk Zapper"?
- .uue = uuencode (Amiga version of unix thing...)
- .zuu = UUencoded ZOO file
- .auu = UUencoded ARC file
- .luu = UUencoded LHARC file
- .hqx = BinHqx
- .sit = Stuffit
- .pak = Pak files unpack themselves. Just run them.
- .sfx = Self extracting.
- .run = Self extracting.
Also many applications use extensions to highlight the type of file, so you
will see things like .gif, .iff, .txt, .doc.., The list can go on and on. You
will probably see quite a few as you begin to use Archie.
Of these, probably .lha and .dms seem to be the most popular. LhA is used to
compress most programs, and these archives can be unpacked to any device. DMS is
used to compress entire disks, and they must be decompressed to a blank disk.
If you meet a file.tar.Z file on a Unix system, the uncompress MUST be carried
out prior to issuing 'tar' command, ie. the last level was the last function
carried out. You must work in reverse order. There is a 'compress-4.0.lzh on
some of the FTP machines around that works on Amigas, to uncompress using this
command use:-
compress -d filename
Beware of .dms files. Dms allows a boot block to be compressed and hence
downloaded. This is one method of spreading viruses! Other compressor/archivers
may do also. However, DMS does have a facility to view non-standard bootblocks,
so you can generally tell if you might be getting a virus.
There are a couple of utilites that are very useful regarding compression and
archive files:-
util/arc/LhA_e138.run LhA evaluation version.
" " /Lister12.lha Lists contents of various archive types.
" " /lzx120.lha File archiver with better compression than LhA
" " /DeTar12.lha Untars unix archives.
" " /dms111.run Extracts .dms files to floppy disks.
util/pack/compress-4.0.lzh Decompresses unix .Z files.
" " /Extractor.lzh UUdecodes files.
" " /gzip124x2.lha Decompresses .Z and .gz files.
" " /imploder-4.0.lzh A good program (de)compressor.
" " /xfd107.lha Decompress files automatically.
" " /xpk25usr.lha Very good compression package.
The essential utilities are LhA and DMS, whilst gzip and detar can be useful if
you use files other than amiga specific ones.
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