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There is a facility within the networks to access an ftp site archive/database. It's name is ARCHIE. This machine polls all the known public machines around the world on around a monthly basis and stores recursive listings. You can then access the whole database to find where a particular program (or directory) exists.

Please do not send messages to the I-amiga list asking where a program is, instead use ARCHIE. If you have INTERNET access you may be able to TELNET (remote login) to the machine, give the user id of archie. If not you can send ARCHIE some mail requesting it to do the search for you. I have included some of the help info given by archie. To use the mail facility of ARCHIE send the message prog xxxx ( where xxxx is the program you are after), this can either be as the subject or in the body of message with no subject, obviously you will send the message 'help' first. If you find archie does not work for you, you may need to put in a 'path'. I have to do this, all I do is put my Email address using the syntax:-

path id@email.address

To TELNET you will need to connect to:-

quiche.cs.mcgill.ca (

Here is the extract from the ARCHIE help file:-

The ARCHIE Mail Server

HELP for the archie mail server, as of 31 Oct, 1991

For your information anonymous FTP may be performed through the mail by an ftp-mail server. Send a message with the word 'help' in it to:


for an explanations on how to use it. NOTE: The BITFTP server at Princeton no longer accepts requests from non-BITNET sites. If you *are* at a BITNET site you may use:


Send 'help' in a message to it.

NOTE: The Subject: line is processed as if it were part of the main message body: no special keywords are required.

Note that the "help" command is exclusive. All other commands in the same message are ignored.

New archies available

The archie service which was pioneered by the McGill University has now spread worldwide. In fact McGill has now been retired (mail to McGill will be forwarded to sura). Here are most of the worldwide ones you can either send mail or (in most instances although I've not tested) telnet to:-

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