10. Smileys.
It is very difficult to express emotions in words, so it is common practice
to use what are known as `smileys' in postings. These can represent anything
from humour to sadness, to personal atributes. For instance, a comment not
meant to be taken seriously can be followed with :-) to indicate a smiling
face, or to show that it is meant to be humourous.
:-) standard smiley, used to indicate satire or humour
8-) wearing glasses
:-( sad.
:-7 wry smiley.
;-) winking smiley.
:-| neutral smiley.
:-! my lips are sealed.
:-0 You did what?
:-D Then it's you own fault.. hahahahahahahaha.
[:-) smiley with a hard-hat.
{:-) smiley with a toupee
}:-( smiley with a toupee in an updraft
:*) drunk smiley
:-* oops... what did I just say?
:-X kiss
:-p Sticking your tongue out.
The main smilies also have a compact form thus:
:) equivalent of :-)
:( same as :-(
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