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4.Other Internet access.

Apart from FTP and E-Mail, there are several other ways in which you can access various services across the internet.


This enables you to browse through an archive, either viewing text files, or downloading archives. It is entirely mouse driven, so it suitable for people who aren`t comfortable using a shell.


This is similar to gopher, but uses a far more graphical interface. True WWW sites have a series of pages containing text, graphics and even sounds. You can browse through these getting information such as program listings, sport results and travel information. You can also access FTP servers with most WWW browsers, and some even have special provision for WWW access. You will need a browser such as Mosaic, Lynx or Netscape.


This allows you to connect directly to a machine and, for example, take part in a MUD (multi user dungeon) game, play chess, talk to other people and even browse a book company.


Finger allows you to examine data about a certain individual. Often people set up what is known as a .plan so that when they are fingered you obtain certain information, such as events in history, sports results, information about a package they are writing etc.

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